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Child, Relatives & 2 Rescuers Found Dead Days After Her Call for Help | World News


Six-year-old Hind Rajab pleaded to be rescued, after her family’s car came under fire in war-ravaged Gaza City, leaving her alone, frightened and wounded, surrounded by the bodies of her dead relatives. “I am so scared,” she had said in a desperate phone call to the Palestinian Red Crescent. “Call someone to come get me, please.”
But after more than two weeks of frantic efforts to reach her, Hind’s body was recovered on Saturday, along with those of relatives and two Red Crescent rescue workers sent to find her.The Red Crescent confirmed the grim discovery.
Hind’s mother, Wissam Hamada, blamed her death on Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, US President Joe Biden “and all those who conspired against Gaza and its people”.
Hind’s highly publicised case comes as aid agencies warn that children and families are bearing the brunt of Israel’s war with Hamas.
Hind initially survived the shooting and managed to talk to her family by telephone and make an emergency call, which the Red Crescent published on Feb 3. “For over three hours, she desperately pleaded for rescue from the occupation (Israeli) tanks surrounding her.” Nothing more was then heard from the young girl, even as an ambulance was sent. The Red Crescent said the Israeli military “deliberately targeted the ambulance upon its arrival at the scene” despite “prior coordination” letting it through.

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