Home Sport News Jeffrey Epstein files: Every famous name in unsealed docs from Leonardo Dicaprio...

Jeffrey Epstein files: Every famous name in unsealed docs from Leonardo Dicaprio to Cate Blanchett & Stephen Hawking

Jeffrey Epstein files: Every famous name in unsealed docs from Leonardo Dicaprio to Cate Blanchett & Stephen Hawking

CELEBRITIES and politicians have been named in bombshell court documents identifying associates of convicted paedo Jeffrey Epstein.

Donald Trump, Michael Jackson, Cate Blanchett and Leonardo Dicaprio are among the high-profile names revealed in newly released filings.

Jeffrey Epstein killed himself while awaiting trial in 2019


Jeffrey Epstein killed himself while awaiting trial in 2019Credit: AP
Prince Andrew, Virginia Giuffre and Ghislaine Maxwell


Prince Andrew, Virginia Giuffre and Ghislaine MaxwellCredit: PA

An order for the bombshell files to be released was given by New York judge Loretta Preska in relation to the 2015 defamation case brought by Virginia Roberts Giuffre against Ghislaine Maxwell.

Of over 100 names in the new files, which will include emails, legal documents, depositions and more, there is no suggestion many of those named are accused of any wrongdoing.

Names that appear in the documents include several A-Listers:

Prince Andrew

Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein in New York’s Central Park.


Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein in New York’s Central Park.Credit: Jae Donnelly

The documents, which include previous testimony by Maxwell, contain a number of allegations, including that Prince Andrew took part in an “underage orgy”.

An unnamed Jane Doe – understood to be his accuser Giuffre – was allegedly “forced” by convicted sex offender Epstein to “have sexual relations with this Prince” and to “give the Prince whatever he demanded”.

A 2014 court filing listed on page 129 of the unsealed documents alleges that Maxwell “facilitated Prince Andrew’s acts of sexual abuse by acting as a ‘madame’ for Epstein”.

It goes on to claim that Jane Doe 3, understood to be Giuffre, was kept as a sex slave by Epstein and was “forced to have sexual relations with this Prince when she was a minor in three separate geographical locations.”

The alleged incidents happened “in London (at Ghislaine Maxwell’s apartment), in New York, and on Epstein’s private island in the US Virgin Islands (in an orgy with numerous other under-aged girls).”

The unsealed docs claim Epstein told Jane Doe 3 to “give the Prince whatever he demanded”.

He also allegedly “required Jane Doe #3 to report back to him on the details of the sexual abuse”.

Jane Doe 3, according to the filing, was trafficked to “foreign presidents, a well-known prime minister, and other world leaders”.

Giuffre has previously claimed she was forced to have sex with Andrew in three separate locations, including in an orgy on Epstein’s island.

It comes as…

In a transcript of her deposition, Maxwell claims Andrew only ever visited Epstein’s ‘paedo’ island once.

She added that no girls were present during the prince’s visit – only female staff.

And she denied ever “at any time, at anyplace, in any moment ever asked Virginia Roberts or whatever she is called now to have sex with anybody.”

Andrew has always denied any wrongdoing and told the BBC in 2019 that he had never met Virginia Giuffre.

Maxwell also said under oath that she “did not recall” being in London with Giuffre (then Roberts) and Andrew – despite photographs showing the three together.

Bill Clinton

Epstein, left, pictured with former US President Bill Clinton, right


Epstein, left, pictured with former US President Bill Clinton, rightCredit: Netflix

Epstein is claimed to have told one of his accusers that former US President Bill Clinton “likes them young” when talking about girls.

But the documents also reveal Maxwell denied that Clinton ever visited Epstein’s island.

She said: “The allegation that Clinton had a meal on Jeffrey’s island is 100% false,” before adding “I’m sure he had a meal on Jeffrey’s plane.”

Maxwell also referenced Clinton and Prince Andrew in a frantic email sent in 2015, the same year Giuffre’s lawsuit was filed, included in the docs.

In the email, Maxwell wrote: “I can’t even see what life after press hell even looks like.

“Statements that don’t address all just lead to more questions. What is my relationship to Clinton? Andrew? On and on.”

Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking at a barbecue on Jeffrey Epstein’s Caribbean island in March 2006


Stephen Hawking at a barbecue on Jeffrey Epstein’s Caribbean island in March 2006

The newly released documents also reveal Epstein emailed Maxwell to deny claims Professor Stephen Hawking had taken part in an underage orgy.

In the message, sent on January 12, 2015, Epstein asked Maxwell to find out if any of Giuffre’s friends or family would come forward to help prove her accusations were false.

Epstein wrote: “You can issue a reward to any of Virginia’s friends, acquaints, family that come forward and help prove her allegations are false.

“The strongest is the Clinton dinner, and the new version in the Virgin Islands that Stephen Hawking participated in an underage orgy.”

In 2015, photos emerged showing Hawking, who died in 2018 aged 76, was hosted on Epstein’s private Caribbean island before he was first charged in 2006.

Michael Jackson

Epstein accuser Johanna Sjoberg – who alleges Prince Andrew once groped her with a puppet – alleges she met Michael Jackson at Epstein’s Florida mansion.

When asked whether she had “met anybody famous” while with Epstein, she said: “I met Michael Jackson.”

Ms Sjoberg was questioned about where she met the Billie Jean singer and told lawyers: “At his house in Palm Beach. At Jeffrey’s house in Palm Beach.”

Lawyers asked whether Ms Sjoberg had given Jackson – who died in 2009 – a massage, but she replied: “I did not.”

Leonardo DiCaprio & Cate Blanchett & Bruce Willis

Leonardo DiCaprio and Cate Blanchett arrive at the premiere of their film The Aviator on January 7, 2005 in Berlin


Leonardo DiCaprio and Cate Blanchett arrive at the premiere of their film The Aviator on January 7, 2005 in BerlinCredit: Getty

Leonardo DiCaprio and Cate Blanchett’s names come up once and only briefly in the almost 1,000 pages long document.

They are not said to have done anything wrong.

Titanic star DiCaprio, 49, and Australian actor Blanchett, 54, were mentioned in a discussion between Ms Sjoberg and lawyer Laura A. Menninger during Giuffre’s lawsuit against Maxwell in 2016.

The papers also reveal Epstein liked to brag about phone calls with Hollywood stars.

Ms Sjoberg, who alleges she was abused by Epstein and accomplice Maxwell in the late 1990s, said the disgraced financier name-dropped DiCaprio and Blanchett once while receiving a massage.

The lawyer said: “I saw one press report that said you had met Cate Blanchett or Leonardo DiCaprio.”

Ms Sjoberg replied: “I did not meet them, no.

“When I spoke about them, it was when I was massaging him [Epstein], and he would get off — he would be on the phone a lot at that time, and one time he said, ‘Oh, that was Leonardo, or, that was Cate Blanchett, or Bruce Willis. That kind of thing.”

Donald Trump

Donald Trump and his then-girlfriend Melania Knauss, Epstein, and Maxwell pose together at the Mar-a-Lago club, Palm Beach, Florida, February 12, 2000


Donald Trump and his then-girlfriend Melania Knauss, Epstein, and Maxwell pose together at the Mar-a-Lago club, Palm Beach, Florida, February 12, 2000Credit: Getty

Donald Trump is the second former US President to be named in the court documents.

In Ms Sjoberg’s deposition, she claims Epstein once suggested calling Trump, 77, to organise a trip to a casino during an unscheduled visit to Atlantic City.

She told lawyers a flight to New York with Epstein, Maxwell and Giuffre in 2001 was diverted to the New Jersey City.

Ms Sjoberg said: “As we were flying, Jeffrey said: ‘Why don’t you go sit in the cockpit to check out the landing?’

“So we were sitting there, and the pilots told me to go back and tell him that we can’t land in New York and that we were going to have to land in Atlantic City.”

She added: “Jeffrey said, ‘Great, we’ll call up Trump and we’ll go to’ – I don’t recall the name of the casino, but – ‘we’ll go to the casino’.”

Epstein and Trump moved in the same social circles in the 1980s and 1990s.

Following Epstein’s arrest in 2019, Trump said he was “not a fan” of his.

David Copperfield

Epstein accuser Johanna Sjoberg claims she met Copperfield at Epstein's home


Epstein accuser Johanna Sjoberg claims she met Copperfield at Epstein’s homeCredit: Rex

In her deposition, Ms Sjoberg also claimed she met magician David Copperfield at Epstein’s house.

The alleged Epstein victim said the American star, 67, was having dinner at the financier’s home when he asked if she knew other girls were getting paid to bring in new girls.

The document says: “David Copperfield was at a dinner at Epstein’s and there was another girl present who looked young and Johanna asked what school she went to and Johanna did not recognize
the school name as being a college and she said it was possible it was a high school aged girl.

“Johanna said Copperfield ‘questioned me if I was aware that girls were getting paid to find other girls’.”

Ms Sjoberg did not say when or where the meeting took place.

She said in her deposition: “Someone called me from the house and said that he would be there, and if I wanted to come have dinner, then I could meet him.”

Ms Sjoberg said Copperfield did magic tricks at dinner and she observed him as a friend of Epstein’s.

Copperfield has denied any wrongdoing and said he regrets his association with Epstein.

Other celebs mentioned

OTHER celebrities were named in the docuements – but only very briefly and in passing:

  • Al Gore
  • Naomi Campbell
  • George Lucas
  • Cameron Diaz
  • Kevin Spacey

Names of Epstein and Maxwell’s victims, associates and alleged co-conspirators, along with other A-Listers mentioned in passing, will continue to be made public as part of the document dump, according to Preska’s order.

Only Epstein and Maxwell have been charged over the alleged sexual abuse of dozens of young girls in his Upper East Side townhouse and his waterfront mansion in Palm Beach between 2002 and 2005.

Giuffre’s defamation lawsuit in 2015 was settled – but some of those involved in the trial were identified in the ruling through links to interviews they had previously given.

Judge Preska cited this as a reason for why their identities should not remain sealed.

She ruled there was no legal justification for continuing to conceal the names of more than 150 “John and Jane Does” mentioned in the court filings relating to Epstein.

Media sued to have the documents made public and they have been released on a rolling basis since 2019.

Wednesday’s unsealing was the eighth release from the 2015 defamation case.

Giuffre sued Prince Andrew in 2021 for battery and infliction of emotional distress.

They settled in February 2022 for a reported £10million, though he has always denied the allegations against him and claimed he could not recall ever meeting Giuffre.

Epstein killed himself in 2019 while he awaited trial.

Maxwell, 62, is serving 20 years for sex trafficking.


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